Saturday, April 4, 2009

High-toned beings

Individuals who are high on the Tone Scale". They think wholly into the future. They are extroverted toward their environment. They clearly observe the environment with full perception unclouded by undistinguished fears about the environment. They think very little about themselves but operate automatically in their own interests. They enjoy existence. Their calculations are swift and accurate. They are very self-confident. They know they know and do not even bother to assert that they know. They control their environment... ("tone: the emotional or the general condition of an individual ... "Tone Scale: a scale which shows the emotional tones of a person. These, ranged from the highest to the lowest, are, in part, serenity, enthusiasm (as we proceed downward), conservatism, boredom, antagonism, anger, covert hostility, fear, grief, apathy.)

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