Saturday, April 4, 2009

On laws of survival and abundance(from"Self analysis)

When one thinks of survival one is apt to make the error of thinking in terms of 'barest necessity.' But that is not survival. For it has no margin for loss.

For example, say an engineer is constructing a bridge. At the time of its construction he uses something which we call the 'factor of safety'. If the bridge is to hold ten tons, hen he builds it to hold fifty tons. Thus he makes the bridge five times as strong. Then he has a margin for deterioration of materials, overloading and sudden unforeseen stress of elements and any accident which may occur.

In life, the only guarantee of survival is abundance. Suppose, a farmer who calculates twelve bushels of grain for his food for a year and plants those twelve bushels only has cut back his chances of survival very marginally. An individual survives or succumbs in ratio to his ability to acquire and hold the wherewithal of survival. The security of a good job, for instance, means some guarantee of survival - other threats to existence not becoming too overpowering.

Survival is not possible or cannot be found where there are no ideals, honesty, love, passion, closeness and emotions for the near and dear ones. A man who is known to be honest is awarded a good survival - good friends and good jobs; while the man who has his ideals survives for so long he remains true to his ideals.

In short, the most esoteric concepts fall within this understanding of survival. Survival is possible as long as you remain faithful to yourself, your friends and family, your relatives and also towards the laws of the universe in general. When he fails in any respect, his survival is cut down. The end of survival, however, is no sharp thing. Alive in this moment and dead in the very next moment is not what we call Survival. It is actually living up to the best.

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