Monday, April 6, 2009


Knowing the high-tone characteristics, we find that there are many times we can actually make a choice toward the higher attitude. It’s more upscale to trust than distrust. This doesn’t mean we should become gullible; but when there’s a borderline decision, we’ll feel better if we permit ourselves to trust. (I’ve even known some low-tone people who actually stretched their ethics upward simply because I let them know I trusted them. This won’t work with everyone; but if a person is mobile, he’ll reach up-tone more readily on trust than dist:ust. Do this with children.) When we’re debating whether or not to tell the truth, we find that truth is much higher than deceptiveness. Understanding is higher than ignorance; it’s always beneficial to learn more. Causing is saner than being effect, so don’t sit quietly in the back of the room and let the low-tone committee members run things. Speak out. Owning is higher on the scale than considering one shouldn’t own anything. Taking responsibility is more up-tone than avoiding responsibility. It’s higher tone to fall in love than to be a cynical loner. It’s more upscale to communicate than to suppress communication

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